Zoom Program: Botanical Illustration with Catherine Watters - Spring Flowers

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Friday April 16

10:00 AM  –  3:00 PM

Painting Tulips

Botanical Art Class with Catherine Watters

Spring is a lovely time to dive into botanical illustration using all the brightly colored flowers that surround us. This class will focus on Tulips. Catherine Watters is an enthusiastic instructor who enjoys sharing her passion of botanical art. She will guide you through the steps of observing, drawing and painting your tulips to capture their form, rich colors and texture. 

2-3 tulips


- 9" x 12" drawing paper: Strathmore Bristol Vellum 300 series

- Tracing paper

- 2H & HB pencil

- 1 Blending Stump

- Hot pressed watercolor paper - I prefer Arches 140lb. single sheet, cut into 4 pieces

You can also use Arches Hot pressed watercolor block, 9” x 12” 

- Tester strips of same watercolor paper 

- Divider – measuring tool 

- Erasers - Tombo Mono Zero (round)  & a kneaded eraser
- Palette - I use a ceramic palette with 6 wells
- Watercolor brushes - I use Winsor & Newton, Series 7, Sable brushes, size 1 & 3
- Additional Brush - Princeton Dakota 6300B #2 Bright
- 2 small cups for water
Paper towels - I use Viva, cut into 4" x 6" pieces


Watercolors – You can use your own colors, I will use the following:

- Permanent Rose (Winsor & Newton)

- Permanent Alizarin Crimson (Winsor & Newton)

- Permanent Magenta (Winsor & Newton)

- Transparent Yellow (Winsor & Newton)

- Indanthrene Blue (Winsor & Newton)

- Ultramarine Violet (Schmincke) 

If using Colored Pencils

Sanford Prismacolor  (alternatively Faber-Castell)

- Cream ( PC 914)  

- Canary Yellow ( PC 916) 

- Orange (PC 918) 

- Crimson Lake ( PC 925)  

- Limepeel (PC 1005 

- Olive Green (PC 911) 

- Sienna Brown  ( PC 945)  

- Dark Brown (PC 946) 

- Dark Purple (PC 931) 

- Colorless Blender (PC 1077) 

Please NOTE: All participants are now required to have and sign into their own Zoom account prior to joining meetings hosted by UC Berkeley. If you don't already have a Zoom account you can sign up for free here.

 Get $5 off the registration fee when you Sign In above. Your discount will be automatically applied at check out if properly signed-in with email address displayed. Need help? Email gardenprograms@berkeley.edu